Loreto is a real gem of a town. The plaza around the old cathedral is immaculate,  with tree branches intertwining to create a canopy of shade.The cafe’s catered to locals and gringos alike and most were reasonably priced.


Canopy of Trees in Loreto



The tacos at Del Ray are not be be missed. We did most of our shopping at the Leys, but also stopped by the Pescador for those exciting gringo finds, like brown sugar. Across the street from the Pescador is a gulf food store with a fantastic selection of nuts and spices and even chocolate chips. While in the Loreto area we visited the town several times, once from Puerto Escondido in a taxi ($900 pesos round trip), once via dinghy while we were anchored in Los Coronados, twice when we had a rental car to pick up and drop of parents that were visiting and finally by car when we drove up from La Paz. Each time we rented a car from Fox rentals. The economy sized car cost us(in USD) $8/day plus $20 (for the basic mexican insurance, can’t get out of this) and $20 to have the car dropped off and picked up from Puerto Escondido.


Someones really nice back yard


Even the garbage cans were nice!

Hiking in Bahia Conception is absolutely lovely. We loved our time here at every anchorage, especially Isla Reqeson. The pictures say it all.


Ilsa Coyote Adventure

We had packed up that morning, all set to hitchhike into Mulege to check it out. I had even made a sign. We had just landed on the beach when we  saw another little playing in the water. Fynn was pretty excited to find another friend her age – turns out little Vega was only 4 days older than Fynn! Admittantly we were pretty happy to meet some other adults our age too. We had a great day with this family- they are travelling to Panama in the VW Westfalia – a family of kindred spirits. You can visit their awesome blog at tribehoppers.com Together we visited Mulege, enjoyed a feast of clams and took a wild ride in the dinghy out to Ilsa Coyote.

