Ninth day out -Smooth sailing

We have had a pretty good 24 hour run, essentially on a beam reach. We never got above 90 degrees apparent but we saw as low as 130 before we decided to dive a little deeper and go wing and wing with the updated weather route.image1 (5)

The boat was just humming along, carried full sail into 21 kts true wind was was making good speed over ground at 7-8 kts.

It’s amazing how much better everyone sleeps when the boat is happy. Compared to the other night with the clanging and banging, I think everyone was really able to get some good rest in.

That being said, I know everyone had a decent ab workout yesterday with the boat on a 15 degree heel. For the first time on this trip we had to reef down the main while Jean made dinner.

Everyone is settling in nicely, books are getting read at a tremendous pace and I think we are all starting to eat a little less now that we’ve been confined to our 50′ x 15′ island for over a week.

We have some friends leaving Puerto Vallarta bound for Hilo tomorrow and I’ve told them I’ve been dropping lime peels over the side so they can follow us but I’m starting to run out so they had better hurry up! Good luck Yare!

Position update at 1200 local time April 1, 2016:
18 04.687 N
125 38.546W
161 nautical mile noon to noon run
1861 nautical miles to destination
6.0 Kt. SOG
250 COG

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