Day 13: 10 things I learnt in the last 10 days

Vancouver sunset
Asunto at ancho

Asunto at anchor


My solo week in the Creek is coming to an end (well it better be; Kolby should be home tomorrow, barring any last minute surprises). Overall it has been a pretty interesting week (10 days really, but who is counting?). The first few days were pretty idyllic. Then there was that rough patch in the middle with the battery charger failing, the storm and the dinghy starter jamming. But the final few days have gone smoothly which makes everything seem ok. Funny; how things end can create a lasting impression on the whole experience.


Here are 10 things I learnt in the last 10 days:

1)   Parking is crappy downtown, regardless if you have a car or a dinghy

2)    Electricity isn’t this magical thing that is always there. It has to be carefully monitored, sparingly used and frequently created.

  1. Every device that uses it gets analyzed for necessity. Don’t need it? Turn it off. Imagine if we all live this way!

3)   Be respectful of the wind, no matter what

4)   There are a lot of dragon boaters out here.  And they are VERY LOUD.

5)   The ferry boats will come really close…. And will likely have passengers taking videos. Full dress is required at all times.

6)   Sparingly flushing the toilet really sucks

7)   People think I’m nuts

8)   The fellow ‘Creekers’ are very exclusive.  Despite our full time liveabarod status, Asunto and Otto don’t fit in.

9)   When you drive around in a dinghy with a baby on your back and a dog in the bow, people will look at you and point (must be the dog).

10)  And no, an umbrella doesn’t work that well in a dinghy.


Downtown parking

Downtown parking

As I am writing this I am sitting in my hammock hanging off the dinghy davits.  Soon, the sun will set, I will go to bed, and tomorrow night I won’t be the captain anymore. But I am no longer the same boat wife. I know how to reanchor, I know how to keep the batteries charged. All in all, I know how to take care of the boat. Of that I am pretty proud.


Vancouver sunset

Vancouver at sunset

Next adventure – here we come!