
We have officially christened the dinghy ‘Otto’, as a derivative of the Finnish word for vehicle *auto*. Thought we would stay on the Finnish theme, as Asunto is Finnish for home. And Otto just seemed right. We love Otto. He took us so many places we never would have explored without him. All of these trips were several nautical miles, and some over rough seas!

First there was the exploration of Malaspina and Lancelot Inlet, then the trip up to the end of Pendrell Sound from Walsh Cove.

Paradise Island, up Lancelot Inlet

Oyster Cove, Pendrell Sound

Next he saw us safely through the Yucata rapids from Dent Island to Big Bay.

Yucata's by Big Bay, running at about 10 knots

Further north, Otto took Kolby scuba diving off the east side of Helmken Island in Johnstone Straight, before we circumnavigated the island and played in the rapids off the north end.

Otto makes dinghy diving easy

Race Passage rapids

He took us from Cameleon Harbour to Thurston Bay on Sonora Island to explore streams.

Exploring Thurston Bay

Further south he carried us across Rebecca spit to Heriot Bay for ice cream and Sea Bone Island (name by us).

Otto anchored off 'Seal bone Island"

Heriot Bay - public wharf on the left, lodge docks on the right

 To the south of Comox is Sandy Island, where we anchored Asunto. Otto diligently brought us to the harbour of Comox to explore the very sleepy ‘downtown’ (2906).

Tie up at Comox Harbour

Not to mention all the different places we took Otto to drop the prawn and crab traps!

Prawns in Waddington Channel

First crabs off Sandy Island

Sadly, on July 27, Otto’s seat met its demise in the Strait of Georgia. The welds that held the seat to its posts had been breaking all trip, and the rough seas were the final straw. Kolby lashed down the seat for the rest of the journey and is currently trying to jerryrig something with 2x4s!

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